Saturday, June 20, 2015

Purge Your Pantry Challenge!

PurgeYour Pantry Challenge!
Do you go to the store and find yourself purchasing replacements of items you ALREADY have in your pantry or cabinets at home?  This can be especially true if your shopping without a pre-written list on hand.  I invite you to take the Purge Your Pantry Challenge!  Before you buy any more canned, frozen, or shelf foods go through those areas and use what you already have!!!!!!  *Do remember to check and adhere to all expiration dates on food, medicine, and vitamin supplies.

Not only is this a great way to clean out and declutter the storage area of your home, but you'll probably save money too by not buying things you already have, but have forgotten about! 

If you aren't sure what to do with random cooking ingredients, check out the free app on your smartphone Dinner Spinner through All Recipes.  You can type in your specific ingredient and then do a search for recommended recipes that feature that item.  For Example: Marinated Artichoke Hearts - Search Dinner Spinner - Artichoke Tetrazzini as a Pasta Main Dish!  GREAT! 

Allrecipes Dinner Spinner

Once you have purged your pantry and other supplies, START A LIST for the store.  Keep the list somewhere handy so all persons in the house can add their items as they need them.  It's best practice to put an item on the list when you open the last of that specific item in storage (not necessarily when you are completely out or within 1 use of running out).  This practice will help you to make sure your necessary items are "in stock" when you need them (no more panic runs to the store when you realize you have no toothpaste!) Adding them to the list when you first realize you are opening the last one will also give you a stress free amount of time to replace that item before it is completely out.  In most cases it can be added to your regularly scheduled grocery shopping errand.

You can print a free Panty Inventory list at:

Check out Grocery IQ App for your smartphone.  

For more tips on better organizing and life coaching, please fill out the "Contact Form" located on my website:  When you fill out the form you could receive a free consultation and/or a free Personal Organizational Assessment to see where your areas of personal strengths and weaknesses are. 

Live Happy, Healthy, and Organized!
Jennifer Schlipp, CPC. CPO, B.S.-Exercise Specialist
CEO of Put Method To Your Madness

Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Transformations Institute Conference in Denver, CO was an amazing experience!  I met so many inspiring and insightful people, and learned so much it's truly unbelievable!  If you ever get the opportunity to attend one of the conferences I truly recommend it!  You'll be forever "transformed" for the better!
Check out for future conference dates!

A Quote that I personally shared at the conference came from President Theodore Roosevelt:
"Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing."

This group of people live and breath this sentiment and I'm proud to be associated with them!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

My new website!

Hi Friends & Future Clients!  I'm starting up my new blog which I will be expanding more content to soon.  Check out my new website at!  I want to help you get "Healthy, Happy, and Organized" so I'm bringing my backgrounds together to mix my Professional Organizing, Professional Life Coaching, and degree in Exercise Science.  I have worked with a great many individuals and organizations to help them reach their goals!  I used to work under the business name of Be Fit. Live Well Now., so old friends & clients please check out my fresh start with Put Method To Your Madness!
~Jenn Schlipp